Fujitsu Scansnap S1500m Mac Software Download

Please ask third party for the third party software bundled with the ScanSnap scanners. The 64 bit application for macOS is not provided for the old scanner models such as ScanSnap S1500, S1500M, and etc. (.1) because their support periods have already expired. If you wish to have the 64 bit application for macOS, please consider purchasing. ScanSnap iX500 or ScanSnap SV600. Now the Setup DVDs contain Nuance® PDF Converter instead of ABBYY FineReader Express Edition. (.6): ABBYY FineReader Express Edition for Mac is required for using ABBYY FineReader Pro for Mac. This software is compatible with macOS Sierra v10.12.1. (.7): Check with the vendor for compatibility information.

Fujitsu Computer Products of America is pleased to announce that theScanSnap iX1500 is now compatible with ScanSnap Manager, the original softwarefor ScanSnap. ScanSnap Manager is also available with prior ScanSnap models*such as the S1500 for both Mac and PC operating systems.

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When we first debuted the iX1500, we also introduced new scanning software,ScanSnap Home, which brought all of the functionality of ScanSnap Manager underone software umbrella. However, we heardfrom some of our loyal customers who wanted the experience of ScanSnap Managerback. We love to hear your feedback sothat we can make your scanning experience the best it can be.

In response to this feedback, we are offering ScanSnap Manager softwaredownload. When you download ScanSnapManager you will still retain ScanSnap Home as a content management software.

This is also a great opportunity for customers who had incorporatedScanSnap Manager into their business flows and systems with older ScanSnapmodels as they can now leverage the iX1500.

When using with the iX1500, the touchpanel switches to a one-button screen, enabling the same operation as with theprevious ScanSnap Manager.

Fujitsu Scansnap S1500m Mac Software Download

*Compatible models include iX15001, iX500, iX100, S1300i, iX100, S1100i, SV600, S1500(M)2,3, S13002,3, S11002

To learn more and access the softwaredownload, please visit our website, or contact us for technical support at +1 (800) 626-4686 | 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) |Monday – Friday.
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1 Please perform an update of the firmware for the latest version of ScanSnap iX1500. After installing ScanSnap Manager V7, follow the instructions on the screen to update the firmware.

2 Discontinued products cannot be repaired. For discontinued products, please refer to the web page.


3 For customers using S1500/S1500M/S1300, ScanSnap Manager V7 is only available for macOS Catalina v.10.15. If using S1500/S1500M/S1300 on other operating systems, please continue using your current ScanSnap Manager (Windows: V5.5, Mac: V3.2).


The newest flagship ScanSnap is 33% faster* giving you more time back in your day! Designed for everyday use, the ScanSnap iX1600 gets documents digitized, organized and sent to wherever – whenever - with minimal effort.

*Compared to the ScanSnap iX1500.

Touch screen controls

Wi-Fi or USB

Links to cloud and mobile devices

Customizable profiles

Easy Personal Information Management

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Plays well with others (up to 5 separate set if preferences)

Fujitsu Scansnap S1500m Mac Software Download Windows 10

The ScanSnap scanner and the bundled software is by far my most valuable and used piece of office equipment I own. I only have 2 employees, but we each have a scanner and we use it every day. We scan everything. I recommend this scanner to everybody I know. It's super simple to use and file everything. I don't know what I'd do without it.