How To Download Sqlite On Mac

I’m a Mac user and I do not own a Windows computer, so I can’t write the instructions for Windows. Google “how to install sqlite on windows” for specific instructions. Same goes for Linux.

On macOS, you don’t need to do anything to install sqlite. It’s preinstalled in all modern versions of macOS.

All you need to do is to open a terminal and run the

How to download sqlite on macHow To Download Sqlite On Mac


How To Download Sqlite On Mac Os

SQLite is a compact, cross platform, self-contained relational database management system that is available in the public domain. SQLite is included in macOS and Mac OS X by default. It is located in the /usr/bin directory and called sqlite3. Using SQLite, users can create file-based databases that can be transported across machines, platforms.

  • SQLite is the server. The SQLite library reads and writes directly to and from the database files on disk. SQLite is used by Mac OS X software such as NetNewsWire and SpamSieve. When you download.
  • Download DB Browser for SQLite for Mac - Small open source application designed to further simplify the process of creating, browsing, editing and managing SQLite database files without using SQL commands.
  • JDBC drivers are Java library files with the extension.jar used by all Java applications to connect to the database. Usually, they are provided by the same company which implemented the Sqlite software. DbSchema Tool already includes an Sqlite driver, which is automatically downloaded when you connect to Sqlite.
  • Mac Machine SQLite Installation Instructions. Download sqlite from download page. Use terminal to navigate to the location of the file. Enter code “mv sqlite3 /usr/local/bin/”. If sqlite is downloaded, you should see a sqlite command that looks like “sqlite”. Test your new sqlite installation by typing “newdb.sqlite”.

Press ctrl-C 2 times to exit the SQLite executable.

This is pretty cool!

How To Download Sqlite On Mac Download

My macOS with Mojave comes with SQLite 3.24, and the latest version (at the time of writing) is SQLite 3.30. You can upgrade SQLite using Homebrew, but for the sake of simplicity, I’m not going to cover this.

A great software we can use to interact with a SQLite database is TablePlus. It comes with a free trial that’s perfect for our usage, because it’s not time-based but rather it limits the amount of concurrent connections you can make to the database.

Download it from I know there are macOS, Windows and Linux versions.

You create a new connection, choosing SQLite:


You select a name, and type a database path. I choose test.db, in the /Users/flaviocopes/ folder:

SQLite is pretty cool because the database is contained in a file, which you can put pretty much everywhere you want. This is radically different from PostgreSQL, and MySQL and other big DBMS.

Pressing Connect, the connection was successfully created:

and I can see the file created in that folder, with zero KB of size:

That’s it.

How To Download Sqlite On Mac Computer

I’m going to make more tutorials on how to use this SQLite database, soon.