This recall applies to all Walther PPK and PPK/S pistols manufactured by Smith & Wesson from March 21, 2002, until February 3, 2009. The Serial Numbers of the pistols subject to this recall are as follows: STOP USING YOUR PISTOL AND RETURN IT TO SMITH & WESSON AT ONCE. Any unintended discharge of a firearm has the potential for causing injury.
SW99 - The serial number is located on the frame at the rear of the pistol. For long guns manufactured in the early 1980's, please contact the following dealers for parts and service. Smith & Wesson discontinued these models and no longer has a parts inventory or offer repair service for these models. This smith & wesson revolver is a.38 special caliber. The serial number is S 8551XX. Here are the pictures, in one of these you can see the serial number, in the cylinder. You are correct. Pictures help alot. That would be a post war 38 Military and Police (K frame pre model 10) made between 1945 and 1948. Model 610 10MM Revolver – 4'. Model 610 10MM Revolver – 6.5'. Model 642 Deluxe Silver/Black Croc Textured Wood Lipsey's Exclusive. Please enter the serial number below. Please enter the serial number below.
By John Taffin
Mention Smith & Wesson and most shooters will immediately think of one of two things, either big bore Magnum sixguns, or state-of-the-art semi-automatic pistols. As a writer I’ve spread a lot of ink discussing both of these types and as a shooter I’ve run thousands of bullets down the barrels of slick shootin’ Smith sixguns and fast-firing defensive pistols. But there are other Smith & Wessons such as the Model 41 .22 target pistol and the epitome of target guns from a few decades ago, the K-38 .38 Special and the K-22 .22 Long rifle, the famous Masterpiece revolvers.
All of these handguns are guns that I would label high exposure. They are seen at target ranges, in the hunting field, worn openly on the belt of peace officers, as well as campers, hikers, fisherman, in fact, all types of sportsmen. Chambered in .22 they are used not only for target shooting but by thousands upon thousands of families enjoying the great sport of plinking together. Larger calibers are carried for more serious purposes such as hunting and law enforcement.
There is another whole class of Smith & Wesson handguns, a group of revolvers rarely ever seen. These are the guns carried concealed by civilians and peace officers alike. These are the guns kept in countless bedside stands, under store counters, in tackle boxes, and day packs. These lightweight easily concealable handguns are the J-frames. Smith & Wesson has long utilized the alphabet to distinguish their revolvers: the N-frames, the largest .41 and .44 Magnum, .45 Colt, .45 ACP, and even .357 Magnum; the middle-sized K-frames, the .357 “Combat Magnum” and earlier mentioned Masterpiece revolvers; the L-frame, the newest intermediate sized .357 Magnum; and finally the diminutive J-frames chambered in .38 Special, .32 Magnum, .22 Long Rifle, and .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire.
History of the J-Frame
The first small frame double action Smith & Wesson, a .38, was built in 1880. This was not the famous .38 Special which would come later, but the less powerful .38 S&W. The first .38 DA weighed 18 ounces and would go through five design changes, thirty-one years of production, and number more than one-half million examples of top-break design. These were followed by the Perfected Model .38 with a solid frame/trigger guard combination , but still of the top break design, that led the way for the solid frame, swing out cylinder revolvers to come.
At the same time that the top-break .38’s were being made, the same basic design was offered in .32 S&W caliber with nearly 300,000 of the smaller caliber being made. Shortly after production began on the .38 and .32 Smith & Wesson Double Action Models, D.B. Wesson worked with son Joseph to develop a completely different style of revolver. Lucian Cary, a well known gun writer of forty years ago relates the following legend.
“When Daniel Wesson read a newspaper story about a child who had shot himself with the family revolver, his conscience hurt. He told his wife that he would make a revolver that could be safely kept in the bureau drawer. It was his custom to receive his grandchildren every Sunday. No doubt it was tough on the grandchildren. Daniel Wesson must have been a fearsome man, with his thick body, his great beard, and his virtue (Cary obviously did not understand grandfathers and grand children and the bond between them!) But on one occasion it was his young grandchild who put it over.
The Safety Hammerless
Daniel Wesson made a revolver he thought no child could fire. He gave it to his grandson, Harold Wesson, now president of Smith & Wesson (this was in the 1950’s) and challenged him to fire it. Harold was only eight years old but he knew that his grandfather expected him to fail. Maybe that gave him a shot in the arm. Harold tugged at the trigger with all his strength and fired the gun. His grandfather went sadly back to his shop–not that day, of course, which was Sunday, but on the following Monday. Some weeks later he again presented a revolver to Harold and asked him to pull the trigger. Harold did his best. But he failed.
The gun the boy couldn’t fire was the New Departure, also known as the safety hammerless. It had a bar in the back of the grip supported by a spring. You had to squeeze the grip hard enough to depress the spring and pull the double action trigger at the same time in order to fire the gun. No child of eight had the strength to do both at once. The New Departure was an uncommonly safe bureau drawer revolver.”
The Safety Hammerless, so designated by the fact that the hammer was completely enclosed by the revolver frame, became the first really practical pocket gun. Five hundred thousand of these were made in .32 and .38 caliber from 1886 until 1940.
With the advent of the I-frame Smith & Wessons in 1894, the basic design was changed from top break to a solid frame, swing-out cylinder style of revolver. Over the years from before the turn of the Century until 1960, the I-frame was offered in .32 Hand Ejector, .22/32 Hand Ejector, which became the .22 Kit Gun, .32 Regulation Police, .38 Regulation Police, and .38 Terrier.
The Chief’s Special
In 1950, one of the most famous of the Smith & Wesson revolvers arrived. A five-shot, compact revolver to fire the more powerful .38 Special instead of the .38 S&W was introduced at the Conference of the International Association of Chief’s of Police in Colorado Springs, Colorado and has been officially and lovingly known as the Chief’s Special ever since. This was the first J-frame revolver and was larger than the I-frames and chambered in .22, .32 S&W Long, and .38 S&W. In 1960, all I-frames became J-frames.
The Chief’s Special has been offered in a number of versions along the way: the standard Model 36 in both round and square butt versions, the Airweight Model 37, the Model 38 Bodyguard which had an extended frame that protected the hammer and exposed only enough of the tip to allow for cocking. The Number “39” was used for Smith’s new double action 9MM Semi-automatic in the 1950’s, but the J-frames resumed with the Model 40 Centennial, a J-frame “Safety Hammerless”.
In 1965, a most significant J-frame variation appeared. One that was to have far reaching consequences throughout the firearms industry as the Model 36 Chief’s Special was offered as the Stainless Steel Model 60. Instantly popular with peace officers and outdoorsman alike, the first stainless steel revolver revolutionized firearms and stainless steel revolvers are now a major part of the handgun industry. Stainless is so much a part of the handgun market, and especially with the small frame concealable firearms that are carried closest to the body, that of the five J-frames I have been testing, four are stainless, and the fifth has been custom finished to look like stainless.
Metalife was applied to a Smith & Wesson Chief’s Special, a two-inch Model 36 .38 Special. Depending upon the weather, it has been carried in an inside the pants holster, in an ankle holster, in a boot top, and in the pocket of insulated coveralls. This particular revolver has been further customized by sending it to Teddy Jacobsen. Jacobsen is an ex-cop now in the gun smithing business and he did one of his famous action jobs on the little Chief’s Special along with polishing the trigger smooth, de-horning the hammer spur, and also jewelling both hammer and trigger. When combined with the Metalife finish, these modifications make the Model 36 into a near-perfect pocket pistol.
The only thing left to do to finish off the round butt Chief’s Special was to fit it with custom grips. I just happened to be carrying this little gun when I visited Herrett’s. I soon had a pair of Detective stocks for the Chief’s!
The modification makes the little Chief’s into a beautiful close range double action defensive pistol and the hammer can still be cocked for a longer deliberate single action shot by starting the trigger back and catching the hammer with the thumb to finish the cocking procedure.
As a companion piece to the 20 ounce Chief’s Special, I have been testing the same basic gun, in this case a Model 60 Stainless Steel “Chief’s Special”. Friend and gun writer Terry Murbach certainly deserves at least some of the credit for suggesting the .38 Special Stainless Steel that Murbach feels should be known as “The Trail Masterpiece”. This little 23 ounce, round butted .38 sports a three inch full under-lug barrel and fully adjustable sights. The sights are exactly the way they should be, black both fore and aft. Yes, even though the newest Model 60 is stainless, the rear sight assembly is black and the front sight blade is quick draw style, plain black and pinned to the stainless steel ramp.
Anyone who has read many of my articles know that my usual forte is the big and bold, the Magnum and beyond sixguns and the big bore semi-automatics. But I have definitely found a place in my collection for this little five-shooter. A Plus P five shooter I might add as Smith & Wesson does classify this little .38 as one that is able to handle the hotter loads. No little strength certainly comes from the fact that the Model 60 carries a full length cylinder with very little barrel protruding through the frame unsupported. The cylinder also, being a five shot, has the bolt cuts between chambers rather than under them.
J-Frame Variations
When the J-frame Smith & Wessons came in, I went to the local gun shop, Shapel & Son’s, and found three dusty old boxes down behind the counter containing long-out-of-production Jay Scott Gunfighter J-frame stocks. At the present time they ride unaltered on three J-frames but all will receive extensive customizing in the future which will see the removal of the finger grooves and the checkering that adorns two pair.
The Model 60 Trail Masterpiece wears plain walnut Gunfighter grips that will clean up very nicely as time and ambition permit making the Trail Masterpiece an even more desirable little fivegun for hiking, fishing, camping, etc. And with the right loads, the three-inch barreled .38 will make a fine little close range varmint and small game gun.
I can only find one fault with the Model 60 Trail Masterpiece and that is strictly the result of my own preference for smooth triggers. All other test J-frames came through with smooth triggers but the this three-inch .38 boasts a grooved trigger that you can bet will become a smooth trigger in the future as it will be sent to Jacobsen for one of his action jobs after a check to Smith & Wesson makes it mine.
Chic Gaylord, New York leather worker and the father of the modern concealment holster, was a real fan of the three-inch .38 Special and promoted a “Metropolitan Special Adaptation” of the Colt Police Positive consisting of three-inch barrel, ramp front sight, nickel finish, bird’s head butt, grip adapter, and trigger shoe. Another favorite of his was the three-inch Chief’s Special with Fitz Gunfighter grips. He would have loved the Trail Masterpiece.
The firing tests of the Model 60 .38 Special Trail Masterpiece gave quite pleasant results. Considering the short sight radius the three-inch barrel affords, and also considering that the test groups were fired at 25 yards, and especially when one considers that the groups were fired by my hand and eye combination, some groups border on the phenomenal. The two-inch .38 Special Chief’s Special was fired double action only on combat targets and not for group size. It proved to be quite capable as a defensive revolver.
MODEL 060 3″ HB – – – MODEL 36 2″
RCBS #35-150 /6.0 UNIQUE – 975 – 2 1/2″ – 961
LYMAN #358156GC /5.0 UNIQUE – 716 – 3″ – 691
LYMAN #358429 /5.0 UNIQUE – 758 – 1 5/8″ – 720
158 SPEER SWC /5.0 UNIQUE – 750 – 2 5/8″ – 735
BULL-X 158 SWC /5.0 UNIQUE – 782 – 3 1/2″ – 708
LYMAN #358429 /6.6 AA#5 – 890 – 3 1/8″ – 815
158 SPEER SWC /6.6 AA#5 – 830 – 3 1/2″ – 795
BULL-X 158 SWC /6.6 AA#5 – 821 – 3″ – 785
Movado serial number database. BULL-X 148 WC /6.0 AA#5 – 861 – 2 3/8″ – 841
SIERRA 110 JHP /8.8 AA#5 – 1067 – 2 3/4″ – 1017
SPEER 140 JHP /6.0 UNIQUE – 934 – 1 5/8″ – 913
CCI LAWMAN 125 JHP +P – 1019 – 2 1/2″ – 932
BLACK HILLS 125 JHP – 864 – 3 1/4″ – 792
The .32 Magnum, heretofore offered in medium framed sixguns like the Ruger Bisley and Single-Six, the Dan Wesson double action, and the Smith & Wesson heavy underlugged barrel K-Masterpiece, is a natural for the little J-frame revolvers. Unlike the five shot .38 Special J-frames, the .32 Magnum is a six-shooter. My original request for test guns from Smith & Wesson was for a .32 Magnum and a .32 S&W Long J-frame, but both guns came through as .32 Magnums. One is a “Kit Gun”, a four inch barreled, adjustable sighted, easy packin’ Kit Gun. The other is quite the opposite, a three-inch Centennial Airweight .32 Magnum. The latter is a 16 ounce concealed hammer sixgun, a very easily concealed and even more easily packed aluminum framed revolver.
The four-inch, 23 ounce Model 631 Kit Gun is meant for the woods loafer, fisherman, camper, while the totally dehorned and no-sharp-corners, double action only Model 632 is the concealment counterpart. A defensive gun designed for the shooter who wants a powerful weapon without objectionable recoil. A .32 that can be shot well is certainly much better than a poorly handled lightweight .38 Special; a gun that is easily carried is certainly better than a heavy gun that is left behind. And even at its one pound weight, the .32 Airweight handles very pleasantly and pokes nice little groups double action style at 10 yards.
The adjustable sighted four-inch .32 Magnum is a two to three -inch gun at 25 yards. Load development may help reduce these groups in the future. A load that would be capable of head shooting squirrels, rabbits, and grouse at reasonable ranges would make the little .32 into a real gem.
MODEL 631 4″ – – – MODEL 632 3″
FEDERAL 95 LEAD – 941 – 2 5/8″ – 895
FEDERAL 85 JHP – 1020 – 2 1/2″ – 954
NEI 100.313 /8.3 #2400 – 1131 – 2 3/8″ – 1043
NEI 100.313 /5.5 AA#5 – 1122 – 2 3/8″ – 1027
HORNADY 85 XTP /8.3 #2400 – 1044 – 3″ – 942
Json to csv app. HORNADY 85 XTP /5.5 AA#5 – 1074 – 2 3/8″ – 924
SIERRA 90 JHP /8.3 #2400 – 1100 – 3″ – 952
SIERRA 90 JHP /5.5 AA#5 – 1070 – 2 7/8″ – 885
The final J-frame tested is one of Elmer Keith’s favorite guns resurrected for 1991. Elmer is best known for his work with the .44 Special from 1927 to 1955 and the .44 Magnum thereafter. But Elmer also used other guns and one of his favorites was the Smith & Wesson Kit Gun chambered for the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire.
J-Frames and Handgun Hunting
Elmer writing in 1961 in the second edition of his famous book SIXGUNS BY KEITH had this to say about the .22 Kit Gun: “Last winter Jack Nancolas, our local Government hunter killed three treed cougar and ten bobcats with my K model S.& W. .22 rim fire magnum and this winter he killed fifteen bob cats and two cougar with my 3 1/2″ barrel S.& W. kit gun for the same .22 R.F. Magnum load. The last cougar, a big one, jumped out over Jack’s head as he approached the tree in the hope of a brain shot. As it was getting late and he had trailed the big cat all day, he simply took a fast double action snap shot at the brute as he sailed over his head. The tiny soft-point slug hit the big cat square in the chest, penetrating his heart and thence the spine; and he folded up in the air like a duck stricken by a dose of no. 6 shot. His head sagged on his chest and his tail carried nearly vertical, he dropped to the horizontal and rolled into a ball before he ever hit the ground. Jack ran down the mountain and poured two more into his skull to be sure he would not hurt the dogs but he was already dead and they were not needed.”
The latest edition of the .22 WMR Kit Gun, the Model 651-1 is a four-inch, adjustable sighted, stainless steel, square butted, 26 ounce .22 sixgun. The rear sight is fully adjustable and plain black, very good, but the front sight is stainless steel with a red insert, not so good for my eyes in bright light. The front sight is also much too tall for my eyes and shooting style requiring the rear sight to be raised clear out of its mortise to sight the Kit Gun in at 25 yards. Since this .22 WMR is a keeper, the front sight will be replaced with a plain black post that will be filed to the right height to allow it to be sighted in at 25 yards with the rear sight all the way down.
While the Model 651-1 is a sixgun, it works much better as a five gun with five chambers able to put five shots in less that one inch at 25 yards. I will carry it fully loaded with six shots but with the best five coming up first. Probably the most practical of all the J-frames for the outdoorsman, with the right load and chamber selection, this little .22 is definitely capable of head shooting small game and varmints, and even putting the coup-de-grace on downed big game.
CCI .22 MAXI-MAG – 1335 – 2″
CCI MAXI-MAG HP – 1355 – 2 1/8″
CCI MAXI-MAG +V – 1608 – 2 3/8″
FEDERAL FMJ – 1240 – 3 1/4″
FEDERAL JHP – 1046 – 1 5/8″
WINCHESTER FMC – 130 – 1 5/8″
Soundtoys 5 mac osx torrent. WINCHESTER JHP – 1258 – 2 7/8″
J Frame Holster
The Lady Smith
Smith & Wesson J-frames are not only naturals for hikers, campers, fisherman, and even as packin’ pistols by rifle hunters, but they are also quite often picked as defensive pistols by women. In fact, Smith & Wesson has gotten quite a bit of mileage out of its Lady Smith program which began in the last century with a .22 designed to be carried by ladies for protection as they rode their bicycles. The story is that this gun was dropped from production when Joseph Wesson discovered it was being carried less by ladies on bicycles and more by ladies of the night.
A few years back the Lady Smith was resurrected as a variation of the Model 36/60 .38 Special and later as a Model 39 9MM variation. The latest Lady Smiths have been excellent sellers and not only to women. Men who wanted a lightweight, smoothed over concealable weapon have also gone to the modern Lady Smith.
To go along with the J-frames, I requested samples of the wares of
Feminine Protection by Sarah. Sarah uses a very catchy name to offer a serious product, namely purses and belt bags that double as holsters. The handbags and J-frame guns are naturals together and both the Patriot and Classic leather bags supplied accept readily accessible J-frame Smith & Wesson revolvers, and still leave room for all the other stuff that women seem to carry in their handbags.
Both bags open on the front edge to allow instant access to the concealed weapon that many women are going to legally as more and more states are providing licensing systems. The closure system consists of both snaps and Velcro, but they do open instantly when the two halves are parted.
Along with the leather bags came two belt bags or fanny packs. I’m not quite sure I’m ready for a fanny pack but I also remember how difficult it was to carry a concealed weapon last summer during our heat wave. Both belt bags supplied easily carry two- or three-inch .38 Special J-frames. I’m sure my wife and daughter will have something to say about whether these test bags are returned or purchased.
J-Frames and Concealed Carry
In recent years, semi-automatics have stolen the limelight from S&W J-frame revolvers. People often say that semi-automatics are fast, sexy, and common. They hold more rounds than a revolver ever could. Revolvers are old school, clunky, hard to shoot, and slow to reload. However, the J-frame should not be discounted for certain applications, particularly concealed carry.
First, consider a J-frame such as a .38 Special for concealed carry. The gun is small, light, and easy to stow in a waistband, ankle holster, pocket, purse, or bag. Accidental discharge is unheard of in a concealed carry scenario. Cops have an affinity for the revolver when it comes to deep cover since it’s harder to spot than a semi-auto. The bad guys will be used to checking for a Glock or 9mm. Likewise, the J-frame is ideal for civilians carrying on the down-low.
Some people scoff at the thought of carrying a revolver. They may be old school but still offer the best reliability in a handgun. Revolvers seldom jam. If they do, it’s because the shooter has chosen the wrong, or poorly made, ammunition. Revolvers can indeed be harder to fire because of the double-action trigger. Range practice takes care of that unless you have insufficient grip strength to shoot. J-frames are easier to shoot than K-frame revolvers because of a light recoil. This makes them easy to use for beginners and novices.
A short sight radius gives shooters the impression that snubbies are only worthwhile in close proximity. Not true. Although the accuracy is best at 20-25 feet, an article by a retired detective claims he could easily hit his target up to 25 yards. In a self-defense situation, 25 yards is more than sufficient. You don’t even need to pull your gun if the perp is that far away.
The revolver holds less ammo than a semi-auto magazine but considering that the average self-defense scenario requires three shots or less, you should be okay.
Top J-Frame Revolvers for Concealed Carry
Despite popular opinion, not all snub nose revolvers are the same. Here are my top picks for the top J-frames for concealed carry:
Colt Cobra
The Colt Cobra reared its lethal head at the 2019 SHOT Show. This snubby holds six rounds of ammo, has a 2-inch barrel with stainless steel finish, and a fiber optic, high-visibility front sight. The Hogue Overmolded grips helps to cut down on recoil when using +P loads.
Ruger SP 101
The Ruger SP 101 is on the large side for a J-frame but still worth mentioning. This .357 Magnum has a 2.25-inch barrel and a comfortable grip for those that want extra power over a .38 Special.
Ruger LCR
The Ruger LCR is a lightweight handgun that is sleek, stylish, and affordable. The DAO trigger has a predictable, smooth pull. The LCR is available in many styles and offers choices in .22 LR, .22 WMR, .357 Magnum, .327 Federal Magnum.38 Special, and 9mm. Users can opt for 5, 6, or 8 round capacity.
S&W Bodyguard
Jframe Example
S&W Bodyguard is the top choice among law enforcement for backup. The semi-polymer frame makes this model a true modern revolver. It’s available with a built-in integral defensive laser for shooting in low light or awkward shooting positions.
Smith And Wesson J-frame
S&W 638
S W Serial Numbers Chart
The S&W 638 is the original Bodyguard revolver. It’s not easy to find but worth the hunt. It has a shrouded hammer with a thumb tab that allows you to cock the hammer into single-action mode. It’s a great benefit to have although decocking a gun isn’t something for everyone. Still, it’s easy to conceal.
Final Thoughts
After thirty-five plus years of shooting N- and K-frame revolvers, it is quite enjoyable to add J-frames to my shooting battery. The .38 Special three-inch Trail Masterpiece and the four-inch .22 WMR Kit Gun are destined to experience a lot of use in the future and my wife already has her eye on the .32 Centennial. Oh, well we can get ahead next month.
Article used by permission of the author
Comments, suggestions, contributions? Contact me here
1975-1976 = J250001 - J370000 The first set is the manufacturers code, the second designates the type of firearm, the third set is the firearms chronological number, the fourth set shows the year of mfg. February 9, 2021 in Uncategorized by in Uncategorized by The serial number starts with A and ends with a A. AxxxxxxA I cannot find this number on any lists. Search . ga('send', 'pageview'); $('body').append(welcome); validatePhone(this); Serial number 327. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ These older guns will take a little more effort to find out their history. Very Fine Early Model Smith & Wesson No.2 Army Revolver. The first L frames, which the 686 is, was produced in 1981. 1969-1970 = J1 - J99999 Smith And Wesson .38 Spl Serial Number Lookup; Smith and Wesson Model Specific. script.readyState 'complete'){ 4 Price We offer a variety of firearms at different price points. var urlparam = url[i].split('='); !function(n){n.fn.on||(n.fn.on=function(n,e,t,u){var i=this,g=arguments.length;return g>3?i.delegate(e,n,t,u):g>2? 1966 - flat latch ends It was S&W's last top break revolver model. For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50. Serial number 327. This question caught my eye because I recently read an extensive article on prohibition era guns in one of my magazines. . })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); On the Sigma series and the SW99 models, you will find the serial number in the locations shown in the pictures below. If you can find the serial number, then you are better off just trying to call S&W customer service first. Smith and wesson model 29 serial … Please enter the serial number below :. Smith And Wesson Handgun Serial Number Search To help you determine the year made, find your serial number and then select a link from those below to sites that offer serial dates. Some of the company's other guns have the number … You can try to contact their customer support by phone and see if they would be willing to help you that way. *Note that a number of N frames with serials in the S138000-S140000 range (and the range may be wider either way) are seen that were shipped much later than the serial would suggest should be the case. if (script.readyState 'loaded' || 1982 = J915401 - 1J18600 .. S&W. $(this).remove(); 22-L/R, BLUE, (RARE) FLAT LATCH, Factory NUMBER MATCHING Grips, Ramp Front Sight, Adjustable Rear sight, Low 5 diget Serial Number. Trajectory Chart 17 HMR, 17 HM2, 22 LR, 22 WMR, KEL-TEC SUB-2000 Gen 2 M-SERIES 9mm For Sale, Shipping Info | 30 Day Return Policy | Warranties. The old guns without the serial numbers are the ones that can be a little trickier. … A Brief Overview of the History of Smith & Wesson. 1950 = start at 1 $(welcome).html('); In addition to being one of the oldest firearm companies, Smith & Wesson is also … Dealer Locator × Enter Zip Code Find A Dealer → Smith & Wesson Gun Finder. 0 .38-44. *Note that a number of N frames with serials in the S138000-S140000 range (and the range may be wider either way) are seen that were shipped much later than the serial would suggest should be the case. I can't say for certain, but the.32s were possibly the most popular calibers in the era of prohibition. They will charge you for this service ($50 at the time this was written) and it is probably only worthwhile for older collectible guns which have no serial numbers. Production dates begin in for the Model 1500 and end upon discontinuation in The Model 65 was in production from The weapon is currently [ when? script.src = url; function GetParameterValues(param) { if(utm_source && utm_source.toLowerCase() 'smt-tactical') { script.onload = function(){ Between 1983–1987, Smith & Wesson was owned by the Lear Siegler Co. On May 22, 1987, it was sold to R.L.Tomkins, a British holding company. }); Answer a few questions to find the right products for you. Smith and Wesson Serial number lookup..need help. It was designed to be easily packed in a hunting or fishing 'kit' for small game hunting, plinking, pest control and self defense. History Family owned by the Wesson Family from 1874–1965. prm.add_pageLoaded(ihCustomizations); But I can't find any information at all. I have a Smith and Wesson model 41 22 lr. There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers. 'K' Frame Revolvers - 1899 to 1983: (Years/Serial Number Range) Pre-War Years: 1899-1902......1-20,975. in design such as the barrel latch going form a flat spring to a Smith And Wesson Model 34 Serial Number Lookup Smith & Wesson Serial Numbers By Year -Register for a FREE account here on Gun & Game.Click to start a new thread in the Smith & Wesson Forum, use the thread title, 'Help Identifying S&W Firearm' -We request you post the model, describe the firearm, and the serial … Very hard to find a three digit gun much less one in this condition! Rating - 100%. } What Are Some Ways to Find Your Smith and Wesson Serial Number? 1975 - heavy barrel standard Smith Wesson Serial Numbers - Revolvers.Note that a number of N frames with serials in the S138000-S140000 range (and the range may be wider either way) are seen that were shipped much later than the serial would suggest should be the case. .44 Magnum S&W Model 629-6 Deluxe … function ih_LoadScript(url, callback){ localStorage.setItem('_ih-smt', 'false'); Go. You can send them a picture and they can find out more of the background on your gun along with the date manufactured. Once you've located the serial number, then you can try to contact Smith and Wesson and see if they can give you an information about your particular gun like date of manufacture or other specific details. In fact, if you post a message on an internet group asking for help in identifying your particular Smith & Wesson gun, then it is very likely that a member of the group will use this book or something similar when they help. For starters, the Smith & Wesson company has been around for OVER 150 YEARS! S&W made many .32 revolvers. This book can be very helpful in finding Smith & Wesson date manufactured information and also general historical information about different S&W firearms. } The S&W L frames, your Mod 586, were the first S&W's produced with this type of serial number. Posted on 20.02.2021 22.08.2017 by admin. }; Very Fine Early Model Smith & Wesson No.2 Army Revolver. Most of the … The precise shipping date as 'lettered' can be several years off depending on model. WWW.RC-TRUCKS.ORG - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2004-2014 - CONTACT US / PRIVACY POLICY. if (urlparam[0] param) { $('input[type=tel], input[id$=PhoneNumber], input[id$=ZipCode]').keyup(function() { $('body').addClass('cartsync-mm-open'); Aurek class fighter. Examine the barrel of the Smith & Wesson pistol. This identification proves that the handgun is an authentic Smith & Wesson pistol. Very hard to find a three digit gun much less one in this condition! Yours then was produced in 1980-81 with some of that serial number as late as Oct of 1982. }); Not much information to go on. } Lefever Sideloack Shotguns before 1913 (not serial numbers) LC Smith & Hunter Arms Co. } The Blue Book of Used Gun Values offers serial numbers for the following makers. Locate either 'Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Massachusetts' or 'Smith & Wesson; Houlton, ME' stamped on the barrel. try { }); if(showWelcome) { }*/ 1969 = ends at 786544 Collector Search Failed Trial Edition Expired Medication Photo Booth App For Android Tablet Avid Pro Limiter Download Yahoo .. with the first serial-number gun (K260,000) presented to Jordan on November 15, 1955. The Smith & Wesson Model 39 was a semi-automatic pistol developed for the US Army service pistol trials of 1954. 2. The weapon was chambered in the 9mm Luger caliber, instead of. 0. If they are unable (or unwilling) to help over the phone, then you can contact them via writing with information on your S&W pistol, and they will research your particular firearm and send you a written report. Smith And Wesson Gun Serial Number Lookup Online. 1977-1978 = J610001 - J670000 $('input[id$=PhoneNumber]').attr('type', 'tel'); Advanced Search Cancel Login / Join. Manufacture Year by Serial Number. 'string'typeof e?i.delegate(e,n,t):i.bind(n,e,t):i.bind(n,e)},,e,t){var u=this,i=arguments.length;return'string'typeof e?i>2?u.undelegate(e,n,t):i>1?u.undelegate(e,n):u.undelegate():i>1? It's is very nice 357, one of the first ones too. Grips are excellent. 308WIN. In addition to being. Smith And Wesson Gun Serial Number Lookup. Seems like a quick internet search is all that's required to match a serial number to a manufacture date. ga('create', 'UA-58882990-1', 'auto'); function validatePhone(el){ $('input[type=tel], input[id$=PhoneNumber], input[id$=ZipCode]').change(function() { Partnership with Horace Smith & Daniel B. Wesson was from 1856â 1874. smith wesson serial numbers. script.onreadystatechange = function(){ Once you locate the serial number, then you are able to do some research and find out a little history on your gun. (function(e){if(e.location!=e.parent.location){if('fb_')!=-1||'app_runner')!=-1){if(e.location.href.indexOf('? (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ /*var utm_source = GetParameterValues('utm_source'); } else { Thread starter BowhuntnHoosier; Start date Feb 3, 2017; Prev. J serial Prefix serial numbers. In one known example a gun with serial S136431 was not shipped until June of 1958. if (script.readyState){ //IE validatePhone(this); Both the Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson (second edition) and Ftjestad's Blue Book list 59,400 Perfecteds being made between 1909 and 1920 with serial numbers 1-59400. ihCustomizations(); } if (telVal.length 10) { Furthermore, some internet forums are filled with helpful and knowledgeable people that would be happy to help try to interpret the serial number on your handgun. In addition, a book such as: Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson written by Jim Supica, Richard Nahas, published 2007, can be used to try to get more information about your gun. 85% of the original blue. Please enter the serial number below :. 1979-1980 = J670001 - J760000 But not Smith & Wesson. 66-2 (1982): Eliminated pinned and recessed, slightly lengthened cylinder. Smith Wesson Dates Of Manufacture From Serial Numbers DOWNLOAD There are some exceptions to the locations shown above for certain S&W pistols. If that doesn't work, then you could try to contact a gun shop and see if they can help you. + 1).split('&'); I'll look up your number tonight. 1955 - 4 screw side plate ends $(el).addClass('alert-success') var welcome = document.createElement('DIV'); The serial number may be right or wrong but it is easier to tell by a photo of the gun where the numbers are imprinted along with the features of the entire gun. } else { //Others script.onreadystatechange = null; var script = document.createElement('script') $(document).ready(function () { 1957 = 117770 - 125000 The 'alphanumeric' - letters followed by numbers - serial numbers began in 1980. var url = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') Source(s): Block serial number list I obtained from S&W 10 years ago. The Smith & Wesson Model 29 is a six-shot, .. Smith & Wesson Mountain Gun circa 1995. Smith and wesson model 29 serial number database. Some with a tip-up action, or top break action and others with a swing-out cylinder. Rule of thumb is that if the gun doesn't have a model number stamped in the yoke area, like M60-2, then it is C&R as S&W started using and stamping model numbers there only after 1957. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) $('#smt_welcome').click(function(el){ (t=e,u.unbind(n,t)):i>0?u.unbind(n):u.unbind()})}(this.jQuery); welcome.setAttribute('style', 'position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100vh;text-align:center;display:none;background:#8080808f;z-index:9999;'); 1982 - end pinned barrel, KAHR CM9 Accessories / KAHR CM40 Accessories, KAHR CW9 Accessories / KAHR CW40 Accessories, KAHR PM9 Accessories / KAHR PM40 Accessories, KEL TEC P3AT Accessories | KEL TEC P32 Accessories, KEL-TEC SU-16 | KEL-TEC PLR-16 Accessories, Ruger 77/22 | Ruger 77/17 | Ruger 77/44 | Ruger 77/357 Accessories, Ruger LC9s Accessories | Ruger EC9s Accessories, Ruger Mini 14 Accessories | Ruger Mini 30 Accessories, Sig Sauer P238 Accessories | Sig Sauer P938 Accessories, Thompson Center Venture / Dimension Accessories, Thompson Center Encore Pro Hunter Accessories, KEL-TEC Installation Service for M*CARBO Parts. var showWelcome = localStorage.getItem('_ih-smt') ! 'false'; Grips are excellent. The multi-tool comes with a nylon belt sheath. var telVal = jQuery(el).val() || '; 1983 = 1J18601 - 1JXXXX Very early gun and in exceptionally nice condition. Is the KEL TEC SUB-2000 California legal? m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Some Smith and Wesson revolvers have a duplicate serial number stamped inside the yoke, along with the gun's model number. Smith and Wesson Serial Number Date of Manufacture J Frame Revolver Lookup. callback(); With a full scan found smith wesson serial number lookup bassmith wesson serial number lookupy does not a hernia. Keep in mind that many Smith and Wesson guns produced before 1957 did not have a serial number stamped on them. })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); } if (typeof callback 'function') The 'alphanumeric' - letters followed by numbers - serial numbers began in 1980. } catch(ex) { 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. el.value = el.value.replace(/[^0-9. Two standard handcuff keys supplied. 1955 = 55050 - 75000 85% of the original blue. SMITH & WESSON MODEL 34 NO-DASH 4' BBL. The S&W L frames, your Mod 586, were the first S&W's produced with this type of serial number. The # 82628 is the assembly #. 1950 = start at 1 1952 = 7369 - 21342 1953 = 28916 1955 = 55050 - 75000 1957 = 117770 - 125000 1962 = starts at 295000 1969 = ends at 786544 J serial Prefix serial numbers. return urlparam[1]; console.log(ex); Dealer Locator . From Wikipedia, the free lookup. Partnership with Horace Smith & Daniel B. Wesson was from 1856–1874. } You can then use the serial number to find out the Smith & Wesson date manufactured for your particular gun. 2. 1976-1977 = J370001 - J610000 In one known example a gun with serial S136431 was not shipped until June of 1958. It's possible that a large block of serial … [1] A modified version saw limited use with Naval Special … For example a gun number A123456 and a gun number. 44 S&W American cartridge as well as . Most modern Smith and Wesson revolvers have the serial number stamped on the butt of the gun's frame, in between the grips. the same grip and frame design as the 1st issue so they are often the serial number will help some. 1973-1974 = J100000 - J250000 }); welcome.setAttribute('id', 'smt_welcome'); document.body.appendChild(script); AC.sslDomain = ''; Smith And Wesson Model 34 Serial Number Lookup Smith & Wesson Serial Numbers By Year -Register for a FREE account here on Gun & Game.Click to start a new thread in the Smith & Wesson Forum, use the thread title, 'Help Identifying S&W Firearm' -We request you post the model, describe the firearm, and the serial number leaving the last 4 numbers as 'XXXX'. This gun has a two pin top strap which was only found on the very earliest guns. Jan 3, 2019 #21 indiucky Grandmaster. 5 State Compliance Do you live in a state that requires a state compliant firearm? These numbers are only visible with the gun open. I do realize they weren't good about keeping them in order and that a higher serial number doesn't always mean a later manufacture date. Smith Wesson Serial Numbers - Sigma Series. With a full scan found smith wesson serial number lookup bassmith wesson serial number lookupy does not a hernia. 1968 - diamond grips end ')-1){e.location=e.location.href+'?fbtheme=1'}else{e.location=e.location.href+'&fbtheme=1'}}}})(window) submitted 3 years ago * by Xpl01Tr. Smith and Wesson Serial Number Date of Manufacture J Frame Revolver Lookup Serial Number Lookup. The # S172691 is the serial #. For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. In one known example a gun with serial S136431 was not shipped until June of 1958. These older guns will take a little more effort to find out their history. Sep 1, 2011 23,044 113 .. BTW if you haven't had the gun long I would pull the rubber grips every once in a while and oil it well under them. Thankfully, most people will probably have a newer gun with the serial numbers, and it should be relatively easy to get more background information using that number. } The SW99 automatic pistols have their serial numbers stamped onto the gun's frame at the rear, directly under the firing pin housing. callback(); 25. if(typeof Sys != 'undefined') { } [1] After the Army abandoned its search for a new pistol, the Model 39 went on the civilian market in 1955 and was the first of Smith & Wesson's first generation semi-automatic pistols. ga('create','UA-58882990-1',''); $('#cartsync_mm_button').click(function(){ ga('require','linkid','linkid.js'); 1981 = J760001 - J915400 Sw Serial Numbers Year Manufacturing; S W Serial Number Search; A Brief Overview of the History of Smith & Wesson. ga('send','pageview'); For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. 66-1 (1977): Changed the gas ring from the yoke to the cylinder. Locate the serial number on the left side of the pistol's frame. If you own a Smith and Wesson handgun, you might be interested in finding out some more information on your particular gun. How old is this Smith and Wesson 32 cal revolver hammered serial number 77530? var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance(); Scroll Down Experience Level Let us know how well you know firearms. Smith & Wesson Model 10 at the Internet Movie Firearms Database .. nation of letters and numbers) code in the serial number. S&W might be able to run it down for you. $('#cartsync_mobile_menu').css('margin-left', '-' + $('#cartsync_mobile_menu').width() + 'px'); 1903-1905......33,804-62,449. 10 0 0. I am kind of surprised I can't find a list of Smith & Wesson serial Serial numb.Click for more info. Dating a Smith & Wesson Revolver: This list is merely a general guide and not meant to be exact. Most of Smith and Wesson's automatic pistols have the number stamped on the side of the frame. Below you will find some visual examples of where to look for the serial number on your S&W handgun. Best estimate on your M41 is late … Dating smith wesson serial number. The 629 Classic variant features a full-length barrel underlug, other variants include the 629 Stealth Hunter. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Since 1852 we’ve been an industry leading manufacturer of pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shooting accessories. Serial Numbers on Smith and Wesson Firearms If you own a Smith and … You can then use the serial number to find out the Smith & Wesson date manufactured for your particular gun. For starters, the Smith & Wesson company has been around for OVER 150 YEARS! I've been drooling (figuratively ;) ) over a 'Dirty Harry' Smith & Wesson 6 1/2' model 29-2 w/ PB, TT, TH, & RC serial numbered N63xxx at a nearby shop, and am curious re its date of manufacture. GGF 1953 = 28916 Smith Wesson Dates Of Manufacture From Serial Numbers DOWNLOAD Serial numbers for the Military & Police ranged from number 1 in the series to 20,975. .. of denoting a stainless steel version of one of their already existing designs by placing a 6 in front of the model number of the original weapon. 1957 - stamping of model number at 125000 It's is very nice 357, one of the first ones too. Keep in mind that many Smith and Wesson guns produced before 1957 did not have a serial number stamped on them. ]/g, '); var AC = AC || {}; function ihCustomizations() { For those Smith Wesson with serial numbers, see the pictures below to find where to look. Search ' across the entire site Search ' in this forum Search ' in this discussion. Earlier models have them here s w. If you provide us with your serial number, those of us with a copy of the standard catalog of smith and wesson can look up the approximate date your. script.type = 'text/javascript'; The Smith & Wesson Model 34 Kit Gun is a small, 6-shot, .22 Long Rifle, double-action revolver made by Smith & Wesson.It came with a 4-inch barrel and has adjustable-sights. 1962 = starts at 295000 $(el).removeClass('alert-success') All sorts of references -- being my favorite -- for dates on all sorts of firearms, but I cannot seem to find any site/source for this Smith & Wesson firearms! Your gun may actually be a year off from what is listed. } S&W Revolvers 1945 to Present.38 SPL Snub Serial Number Lookup and potential value? Very early gun and in exceptionally nice condition. The Smith & Wesson Model 10, previously known as the Smith & Wesson.38 Hand Ejector Model of 1899, the Smith & Wesson Military & Police or the Smith & Wesson Victory Model, is a revolver of worldwide popularity. AC.storeDomain = ''; For those Smith Wesson with serial numbers, see the pictures below to find where … Finding your Smith and Wesson serial number depends on the type of firearm you have. Regarding old Smith & Wesson guns, below is an interesting video narrated by Jim Supica about an early S&W revolver given to the legendary Teddy Roosevelt. $('#smt_welcome').fadeIn(); Guns Grades, Symbols & Serials before 1950; Luger P-08 9MM Pistol Markings; Makarov 8mm Pistol Serial Numbers and Date of Manufacture; Manhattan Fire Arms Co. .31 Pocket, .36 Navy ,22 Pocket; Marlin Model 39 Serial number prefixes
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